Workplace-Safe April Fools’ Day Pranks



I didn’t realize that today was April 1 until yesterday afternoon, so I didn’t have a lot of time to plan.  So if you forgot until today and need some easy thing sot do that won’t get you fired, these will work for you.  They have raised the morale around here and have everyone laughing.  I don’t work in an office environment–I teach in an elementary school–but most of these will work anywhere.

Some guidelines first, to make sure you don’t get fired: 

  • Don’t do anything that is disruptive to anyone’s work.  Bosses tend to frown upon that.
  • Don’t do anything of a sexual nature, unless you want a dose of sensitivity training on a Saturday in your near future.
  • Don’t do anything to a coworker that you don’t have a good relationship with.
  • Avoid messy stuff. 
  • Avoid pranks that obviously took you a LOT of time to prepare.  Everyone will know that you slacked off when you were on the clock.
  • Don’t cause any damage to any property.

Now, some guidelines for making a prank actually work:

  • Unless you have a great poker face (my assistant and partner in prank totally does, which opens up a lot of possibilities,) don’t do anything that requires you to talk to someone.  They’ll suspect something.  After all, it’s April 1.  Instead, opt for things that just happen without requiring your presence.
  • Don’t try to actually see anyone’s reaction to a workplace prank.  Put it into place, and then go about your day.  If it made a splash, you’ll hear about it later.  More people will fall for it, and no one will suspect you.  You can fess up later if you want.
  • If you write anything, do it in block letters. 

Ok, now for the fun that my assistant and I have had today.

  1. She sings, mostly just in her church.  She convinced several people that Monday will be her last day working here because she had been signed for a record deal and would be moving to Atlanta.  She had to stop, though, when someone cried upon hearing the news.  Don’t do this one with your boss–joking about resigning is only funny with coworkers.
  2. She convinced several parents of our students that school would be closed on Friday, making up a different (crazy and hilarious) reason for each of them. She told one that there had been a threat that students from a nearby high school were going to set off dozens of stink bombs all around the school on Friday.  Another parent heard that there was a terrible mouse infestation and that the school was being fumigated–but of course, it was perfectly ok to bring her child to school for the next 3 days until the actual fumigation date.  
  3. We made (block lettered) “out of order” signs and put them on the toilet paper holders in all 3 faculty restrooms.  They’re the large, industrial TP holders that have several rolls inside them, like you see in public restrooms.  This was particularly funny because it wasn’t targeted at one person and became the talk of the school before someone figured out that it must be an April Fools Day prank.
  4. We made a type-written sign for the copy machine that explained that after an upgrade yesterday, the machine was now voice activated.  We were not able to sit in our school’s office to watch hilarity ensue, so this would be more fun for someone who works in an office near a copier that is used by multiple people.
  5. We put several random classroom objects inside the snack and Coke machines in the teachers’ lounge.  Another one that we might not get to actually witness, but news will travel if anyone is amused.
  6. My assistant has greased the handle of a coworker’s car door handle.  He won’t see it until 3:30pm.  He’s an infamous prankster, so he will think he’s made it through the day without being had, until he opens the door.  
  7. One last one just for teachers.  I let my students hear me telling another teacher that we were not going outside today.  It’s a beautiful spring day here.  Buttercups have bloomed.  No jackets necessary.  Not a cloud in the sky.  They were so sad, bless their little hearts.  It completely made their day when I did the big reveal, “April Fool! We’re going outside. Line up at the door!”  They loved having been “tricked” and getting to go outside.

So if you forgot that this day was approaching, and you’re stuck at work, you can still go for it.  Have fun, be safe, and please don’t lose your job.

And keep your fingers crossed that my 2-hour faculty meeting scheduled for this afternoon is an April Fool.  Hey, a girl can dream.